From morning runs to PooRover

PooRover Staff
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An epic tale of one woman, her dog, and a whole lot of poop!
Pop art style image of a female runner and her dog

Join Anissa as she takes us through her journey of dodging doggy duty on early morning runs to becoming the owner of PooRover, the poop scooping saviors of Houston!

The dawn of doody: Anissa's early morning runs with Robbie

Hello, lovely people of Houston! I'm Anissa, proud pet parent to Robbie, my Australian shepherd, and even prouder owner of PooRover. Our story isn't your typical business tale. No, it's got more... well, poop. This is a journey filled with early morning runs, an enthusiastic pooch, forgotten poop bags, and many, many unconventional poop-scooping incidents.

Let's turn the clock back. Picture this. It's the crack of dawn, and Robbie and I are out on our usual running route, the quiet street leading to the park. Robbie is a punctual pooch. He always does his "doody" within the first two minutes of our run, typically right in front of my good friend's house - who, ironically, is a veterinarian.

Improvisation at its finest: When nature becomes your poop scooper

Now, you've got to understand - these runs happen before the sun has had its morning coffee. More often than I'd like to admit, I've forgotten the poop bags at home. You know what that means? Yeap, improvisation at its finest - sticks, leaves, whatever nature can provide to keep the neighborhood clean. Because that's what neighbors do, right? Little did I know, this small act was more than just courtesy - it was a step towards environmental stewardship.

Run interruptions: When Robbie calls ‘Doody’... again

Our runs weren't always smooth sailing, or should I say, smooth running. Sometimes, during a good run where the pace was fast and I'm feeling good, Robbie would feel the call of nature. Again. And this time, on the public trail. He was a real party pooper in these moments.

I must admit. There were times when the morning felt too early and I did not pick up after Robbie. My husband, a fellow runner but a late riser runs the same route. Catching Robbie's occasional missed poop on his sun-lit run, he would kindly let me know. Those moments stung a bit but also cemented my conviction. Scooping poop wasn't just the neighborly thing to do, it was the right thing to do.

Robbie: The fearful furball and the love of my life

Robbie - oh, let me tell you about Robbie! This furball is the epitome of joy, a morning lark that never misses a run. He's friendly, loving, and a scaredy-cat (Don't tell him I said that!). He's not the one to protect me from any danger, real or imagined. Like those suspiciously parked cars on dark mornings that have made us turn back home a few times. But he's been a companion, a reason for me to step out, come rain, shine, or Houston's occasional thunderstorm (we do take a rain check when lightning's involved - safety first!).

A poop revelation: The birth of PooRover

But in all this routine, a thought grew in me. All those times I had to resort to unusual methods to get rid of Robbie's poop, could there be a better way? Could I take my conviction for a cleaner neighborhood and turn it into something more? And just like that, PooRover was born, out of a desire for responsibility, cleanliness, and community care.

Today, I run PooRover with the same energy and commitment as those early morning runs with Robbie. We're not just a poop-scooping company. We're a team dedicated to creating cleaner, healthier spaces for everyone - pets and humans alike. We understand that being a responsible pet owner means more than just feeding and playing with your pet. It means looking after their doody duties too!

So, Houstonians, remember - whether it's an early morning run or a backyard cleanup, never underestimate the impact of your actions. From those dawn runs with Robbie to now running PooRover, it's been a journey I wouldn't trade for anything.

Yes, it started small. Sticks and leaves were my go-to tools, a clear testament to my determination (or forgetfulness). But it was during those moments, under the veil of pre-dawn, that I began to see a need. A need to keep our neighborhoods clean, our environment safe, and to help others who, like me, wanted to do the right thing but maybe didn't always have the tools at hand (literally).

Transforming an everyday chore: The PooRover mission

Running PooRover has been a true eye-opener, a testament to what a small step can lead to. We've managed to take an everyday chore, seen by many as an inconvenience, and turned it into a mission for the betterment of our community and the environment. We've shown that with the right tools and the right mindset, we can make a significant change.

Armed and ready: How Robbie and I handle his ‘Doody’ calls today

Robbie still joins me on those early morning runs, of course. He's still the same excited furball who stops at nothing to get his morning miles. Except now, I’m always armed with eco-friendly bags, ready for his regular ‘doody’ calls. We've come a long way, Robbie and I, and we still have miles to cover, trails to explore, and plenty of poop to scoop!

A dream realized: PooRover and its impact on Houston communities

Today, I’m proud to say that PooRover isn't just a business; it's a realization of a dream. A dream of a cleaner, healthier community where every pet owner feels empowered to do their part. And as we cover the lengths and breadths of Houston, from central Houston to Cypress, Tomball to The Woodlands, and Katy to our local park trails, we carry this dream with us.

As for me, my morning routine hasn't changed much. I still run with Robbie, I still scoop his poop, and yes, occasionally, I still have an exceptional run interrupted by Robbie's natural calls. The only difference? Now, I’m not just a responsible pet owner; I’m also the proud owner of PooRover, a testament to my belief in doing the right thing, in every possible way.

The real heroes: A salute to Houston's responsible pet owners

So here's to all you, the wonderful people of Houston, embracing responsibility, choosing to do the right thing, and in your own way, making a world of difference. You are the real heroes, and we at PooRover are just here to lend a helping hand (with a scooper, of course!). Because just as those morning runs prepared me for the day, they also led me to you - our community, our people. And for that, Robbie and I couldn't be more grateful.

When life gives you poop: Reflections on my journey with PooRover

In the end, I guess all I’m trying to say is: when life gives you poop, maybe you can make something more out of it. Who knows, you might just end up with a business, a mission, and a story to tell. I know I did. And let me tell you, it's been one helluva ride!

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